Sociology & You

Chapter 10: Inequalities of Gender and Age

Web Activity Lesson Plans

"Gender Socialization in Schools"

In this chapter, students learned about the concepts of sex, gender, and gender identity, as well as the inequalities people sometimes experience based on their gender. The gender socialization of children begins immediately, from the time they are born, and the consequences of this early socialization can be life-long. The differences in the gender socialization of boys and girls in school significantly impacts their academic success in certain subjects and affects which subjects they choose to pursue as their future careers. In this activity students will take a closer look at the causes and consequences of gender socialization in schools.

Lesson Description
Students will visit Web sites that discuss the effects of gender socialization on the achievements of boys and girls. The article examines the many different ways in which girls and boys are socialized from a very young age toward society's pre-established sex roles. After reading through the articles, students will write action plans for teachers and administrators of primary schools on gender socialization.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will be able to describe how gender socialization influences the educational experience of males and females.
  2. Students will be able to explain why male socialization favors them in future math and science undertakings.
  3. Students will be able to postulate solutions for more equitable gender socialization.
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