Business and Personal Law

Chapter 6: How Contracts Come to an End

Global Law


Japan consists of over 3,000 islands located in the Pacific Ocean. Most of the islands are mountainous. Japan's highest peak is Mount Fuji. Archeologists suggest that people were living on these islands during the Upper Paleolithic period 40,000 years ago. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is the largest metropolitan area in the world, with over 30 million people living in and around the city.

Japan is a constitutional monarchy with an emperor who has very limited power. He functions as a ceremonial figurehead. The power is held by the prime minister and the elected members of the Diet, which consists of a House of Representatives and a House of Councillors. The Japanese legal system is modeled after the European civil law system and has been influenced by both the English and American systems.

The Japanese people love sports. Baseball is the most popular spectator sport, but soccer, golf, and auto racing are all the rage. The traditional sports of sumo, judo, and karate are also very popular. Japan hosted the 1972 and 1998 Winter Olympics.

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