The American Vision © 2007

Chapter 22: The Great Depression Begins, 1929–1932

The Great Depression Begins, 1929-1932

All of the following characterize the stock market of the 1920s EXCEPT __________.
A)inflated stock prices
B)a bull market
C)stock purchases on margin
D)selling curbs
Why did the stock market crash create a banking crisis?
A)because many banks had invested depositors’ funds and had loaned money to speculators
B)because foreign investors, who had invested heavily in the stock market, were defaulting on their loans
C)because people were not interested in obtaining loans after the stock market crash
D)because the government raised interest rates after the crash
What federal decision kept American manufacturers and farmers from selling high inventories to foreign countries during the Depression?
A)the decision to maintain low interest rates throughout the 1920s
B)the decision to raise interest rates after the Depression hit
C)the decision to raise tariffs in 1930
D)the decision to encourage economic expansion throughout the 1920s
What were Hoovervilles?
A)communities of makeshift shacks constructed on unused or public lands
B)hobo camps that were situated near rail yards
C)locations where the homeless could receive a free handout of food
D)the dry, uncultivated fields of the Great Plains
Why did the Okies leave their farms and head to California during the Great Depression?
A)They wanted to establish farms in the mild California environment.
B)They wanted to take advantage of California’s relief programs.
C)Most had relatives in California who could help them through the Depression.
D)They hoped to find agricultural work in California.
Which photographer’s book American Exodus led the state of California to provide shelters for migrant workers?
A)Margaret Bourke-White
B)Dorothea Lange
C)Henry Luce
D)Grant Wood
Which of the following summarizes President Hoover’s approach to the nation’s economic problems?
A)It is the responsibility of government to ensure the financial health of the nation.
B)Relief should come through voluntary actions and state and local programs, not through federal intervention.
C)If the federal government takes aggressive action to put people to work, recovery will eventually follow.
D)A program of deficit spending will provide immediate relief and economic recovery.
Why didn’t Hoover’s programs revive the economy?
A)His programs did not provide sufficient funding to impact the nation’s problems.
B)His programs were overly ambitious.
C)His deficit spending delayed economic recovery.
D)His new taxes hurt businesses that were already struggling.
Hoover tried to ease the money shortage by __________.
A)passing a bill to put more currency in circulation
B)making loans directly to impoverished families
C)making sure that banks had funds to loan to corporations
D)greatly increasing government spending
The Bonus Army marched on Washington hoping to pressure Congress into __________.
A)raising crop prices
B)passing legislation authorizing early payment of money for the veterans' World War I service
C)increasing taxes on the wealthy
D)providing relief for the millions of homeless and unemployed
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