The American Vision © 2007

Chapter 5: Creating a Constitution, 1781–1789

Creating a Constitution, 1781-1789

Achievements of the Confederation Congress include __________.
A)signing treaties
B)a strong central government
C)collecting taxes
D)regulating trade
All of the following prevented the Confederation Congress from achieving a settlement with Britain EXCEPT __________.
A)its inability to raise taxes
B)its inability to regulate trade
C)its inability to enforce British debt collection agreed to in the peace treaty
D)its inability to devise a system for settling the West
Shays’s Rebellion erupted in Massachusetts when __________.
A)cash-strapped farmers united against farm foreclosures
B)the state required its citizens to repay their debts owed to Britain
C)the British refused to evacuate frontier posts
D)the state passed a law that forced people to accept paper money at its stated value
Who was the primary author of the Virginia Plan?
A)Thomas Jefferson
B)Alexander Hamilton
C)James Madison
D)John Adams
At the Constitutional Convention, what was the MAIN issue that sparked debate between large states and small states?
A)the slave trade
B)trade regulation
C)states’ representation
D)federal taxation
__________ settled how enslaved people would be counted for states’ representation.
A)The Connecticut Compromise
B)The Three-Fifths Compromise
C)The Great Compromise
D)The Virginia Plan
Under the new Constitution, Congress had the power to __________.
A)nominate federal judges
B)remove federal judges from the judiciary at will
C)serve as commander in chief of the armed forces
D)impeach and then remove the president
What was the MAIN reason that Antifederalists opposed ratification of the new Constitution?
A)They believed that the Constitution would interfere with trade.
B)They saw no need for a national government.
C)They did not want the national government to issue currency.
D)They believed that the Constitution diminished states’ rights.
What was The Federalist?
A)a collection of essays that explained the new Constitution
B)a newspaper that warned against Antifederalists
C)a plan proposed by the Virginia delegation at the Constitutional Convention
D)a pamphlet written by Patrick Henry that pointed out flaws in the new Constitution
What convinced Massachusetts to vote for ratification?
A)George Washington’s willingness to become the government’s first president
B)the promise to add a bill of rights and an amendment enhancing states’ powers
C)the decisions of Virginia and New Hampshire to ratify the Constitution
D)its unwillingness to be the last state to vote for ratification
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