Introducing Art

Chapter 1: Art and You

Web Museum Activities

In the Internet age of the 21st century, you can connect to the world with only a few clicks. Today, many museums offer virtual tours that enable you to view their collections online. While no online experience can compare with viewing original artwork in a museum, virtual tours allow you to travel to the world’s finest museums right from your desk. Surf your way to London, England and The British Museum . Click on to The Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Continue east to Tapei, Taiwan and The National Palace Museum. Visit The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Finally, return home to the States and see The Frick Museum in New York City.

Spend some time navigating through each of the museum virtual tours listed above. Choose a work of art that you are drawn to and write a paragraph describing how you perceive it. What ideas does the artist express? How does the artist communicate these ideas? Which of your senses does the work appeal to and why?

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