Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 30: The Age of Discovery

The Age of Discovery

Europeans wanted to find a direct sea route to India and the Far East because ____.
A)of trade and the desire to spread Christianity
B)they were interested in obtaining silk, spices, and precious metals
C)they were interested in exploring new territories
D)they wanted to test new navigation equipment
Prince Henry of Portugal accomplished all of the following EXCEPT ____.
A)setting up the first European school for navigators
B)helping to design and build better ships
C)sending parties of explorers along Africa's west coast
D)leading an expedition along Africa's west coast
The first European to sail around Africa to India and back again was ____.
A)Vasco da Gama
B)Bartolomeu Dias
C)Prince Henry of Portugal
D)Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus believed that ____.
A)he could reach Asia by sailing around Africa
B)he could reach the Americas by sailing west from Europe
C)he could reach Asia by sailing west from Europe
D)the world was flat
Which of the following is NOT true of Magellan's voyage?
A)It proved that the earth is round.
B)It showed that Columbus landed in the Americas, not in Asia.
C)It was the first time an explorer circumnavigated the world.
D)It proved that Spain was more powerful than Portugal.
Which statement about the search for a northwest passage is most accurate?
A)The search for a northwest passage to Asia failed but established claims in the Americas for Spain and Portugal.
B)Only England succeeded in finding a northwest passage to Asia.
C)Only France succeeded in finding a northwest passage to Asia.
D)The search for a northwest passage to Asia failed but established claims in the Americas for England, France, and the Netherlands.
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