Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 21: The Byzantine Empire

Student Web Activities

"Constantinople, the Capital of the Byzantine Empire"

The Roman Empire of the East, known as the Byzantine Empire, lasted for nearly one thousand years. Its capital was Constantinople, a wealthy trade center with a multicultural population. Art and architecture blended its diverse cultural influences to produce a specific style that is unmistakably Byzantine. Today, Constantinople is known as Istanbul, and the city retains its eclectic culture by combining ancient styles with modern Islamic influence. Research the foundation of the ancient city of Constantinople by visiting the "Ancient History Sourcebook: Sozomon: Constantine Founds Constantinople, 324 CE" Web site.

Destination Title: Ancient History Sourcebook: Sozomon: Constantine Founds Constantinople, 324 CE

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Start at the "Ancient History Sourcebook: Sozomon: Constantine Founds Constantinople, 324 CE" Web site.

  • Read through the information on the page.
  • Answer the questions that follow.

According to the story, why did Constantine abandon the original site of his new city?
Why did Constantine want to build Constantinople?
What buildings were necessary for a great capital?
What was the result of Christians building the city in a period when Christianity was strong?
On a separate sheet of paper, lay out the foundation of the city you would build if you were the emperor. Indicate any places of special significance you would build. These might include government or religious buildings, walls and towers, arenas, theaters, schools, or libraries.
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