Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 12: The Hellenistic Period

The Hellenistic Period

Philip of Macedonia believed it was his destiny to _____.
A)spread Greek culture and free Greek hostages
B)spread Greek culture
C)unify the Greek city-states
D)unify the Greek city-states and spread Greek culture
Philip II increased Macedonia's military strength when he _____.
A)formed a volunteer army
B)formed a professional army
C)formed a professional army and improved fighting techniques
D)developed the phalanx
The Greeks thought that Philip of Macedonia ____.
A)would improve their local governments
B)should campaign against Persia
C)was dangerous
D)was a great orator
Which statement most accurately describes Alexander the Great?
A)He was a great general who thought the Greeks were barbarians.
B)He was a great general who loved culture and learning.
C)He was a weak general, but he wanted to bring peace, unity, and justice to his empire.
D)He was a great general who did not want people to treat him like a god.
When Alexander died, his empire _____.
A)became independent city-states
B)was divided into three parts
C)remained united
D)became stronger than ever
Within 200 years after the death of Alexander the Great, the Greek city-states ____.
A)stayed independent but lost their population and power
B)took control of Rome
C)stayed independent and gained power
D)gained people as they came to work in the factories
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