Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 6: The Phoenicians and the Hebrews

The Phoenicians and the Hebrews

Which statement about Phoenician trade practices is NOT TRUE?
A)Many Phoenicians turned to trade to earn a living because the land in Canaan was not rich.
B)Trade and their links to the sea helped the Phoenicians build their civilizations.
C)The Phoenicians established many colonies along the North African coast that grew into cities.
D)Through trade, the Phoenicians spread many ideas.
One of the most important Phoenician contributions to later civilizations was _____.
A)their belief in one just god
B)their practice of establishing peace treaties
C)their establishment of colonies
D)an alphabet that was based on Egyptian hieroglyphs
The Hebrew influences upon later civilizations include all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A)the practice of social justice
B)their trade practices
C)the Torah
D)the belief in one, just god
Unlike other peoples in ancient times, the Hebrews believed ______.
A)in only one true god, called Yahweh
B)that the gods were like powerful humans
C)in only one god, called Abraham
D)that there was no such thing as God
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