Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 5: Eastern River Valleys

Student Web Activities

"A Seal of Approval"

As you read in this chapter, little is known of the ancient Harappan civilization. In the 1920s, ruins of the ancient Harappan cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were discovered, and excavations of those ruins have yielded most of what we now know of the civilization. One of the most important finds was a series of tiny seals made of stone and measuring about one square inch each. These seals, hundreds of which have been unearthed, give an idea of the animals, landscape, writings, and people of Harappa. To view pictures of the seals and read what archaeologists have learned about them, go to the Harappa Web site.

Destination Title: Harappa Web Site

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Start at the Harappa Web site.

  • Click on the "Indus Valley" topic.
  • Browse this area, being sure to visit "A Unicorn Seal" and "90 Slide Tour." Take notes as you go.
  • Answer the following questions.

What do experts believe was the purpose of the seals?
What do some of the carvings on the seals depict? Which animal appears more often than any other?
What was the purpose of the "boss"?
Why do some experts believe that the Harappans traded with the Mesopotamians?
On separate paper, design a square seal that identifies you. Do not use the alphabet within your design. The seal must represent your personality, your dreams, or your interests. When completed, all seals will be shared with your classmates to see if they can guess the identity of each seal!
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