Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 39: The World Since 1989

The World Since 1989

All of the following events signaled the beginning of freedom within the eastern European nations EXCEPT ____.
A)the end of apartheid2
B)the June 1989 election in Poland
C)the fall of the Berlin Wall
D)the trial of the Communist leader of Romania
The "Second Russian Revolution" refers to the three-day struggle that resulted in ____.
A)the reforms put in place by Mikhail Gorbachev
B)the independence of the Baltic states
C)the military takeover of the Soviet government
D)the end of communism in the Soviet Union
The major problem facing former Communist nations in Europe is ____.
A)economic hardship caused by the switch to privatization
B)problems among ethnic groups
C)the people's desire to return to communism
D)labor strikes
Recent events in places such as Czechoslovakia and Chechnya are examples of ____.
A)problems between political parties
B)problems among ethnic groups
C)economic problems
D)problems caused by the attempt to privatize businesses
The first military action against terrorism began in the Southwest Asian nation of _____.
Challenges that the world faces in the 2000s include all EXCEPT ____.
A)improving health care
B)saving the environment
C)convincing nations to reduce weapons of war
D)limiting multinational companies
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