Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 36: Rise of Imperialism

Rise of Imperialism

Which of the following was NOT a reason for the rise of nationalism?
A)Factories needed raw materials that were available in areas that were not industrially developed.
B)Industries needed new markets for their products.
C)Countries wanted to colonize other areas that were already industrially developed.
D)Factory owners needed new places in which to invest their money.
Europeans acquired control of African land by all the following means EXCEPT ____.
A)convincing chiefs to sign land treaties in exchange for cloth, beads or guns
B)setting up protectorates
C)conquering tribal forces
D)having a European leader elected by the African people
Many Indians were unhappy with British rule mainly because ____.
A)they felt the British were trying to change their culture
B)they did not like serving as sepoys (Indian soldiers in the British army)
C)they did not like paying taxes to Great Britain
D)the British were Christians and the Indians were Hindus and Muslims
As a result of the Opium War, ____.
A)Chinese citizens were given the right of extraterritoriality
B)Great Britain acquired the Chinese island of Hong Kong
C)all trade between China and Great Britain came to an end
D)Europe saw that China had military strength
President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine in order to ____.
A)stop European colonization of Latin America
B)gain colonies in Latin America for the United States
C)gain rights in Panama to build a canal
D)increase Europe's power in the Americas
As a result of the Spanish-American War, ____.
A)Spain became even more powerful
B)the United States became a world power
C)Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, and the Philippine Islands came under Spanish control
D)Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, and the Philippine Islands became independent
Which of the following was NOT a way in which colonized countries benefited from imperialism?
A)Orderly governments were set up.
B)Industry, agriculture, and transportation were developed.
C)Hospitals and schools were built.
D)Cultural traditions grew stronger in the colonies.
Which of the following was NOT a problem brought to colonies by imperialism?
A)Western ideas about democracy and individual rights spread.
B)Colonists could not hold high jobs in government.
C)Colonists could not hold high jobs in industry or in the military.
D)The colonists lost much of their cultural identity.
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