Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 35: Unrest in Europe

Unrest in Europe

The Napoleonic Code, which preserved the most important rights won in the French Revolution, guaranteed all of the following EXCEPT ____.
A)the right of the people to criticize the government
B)that all people were equal before the law
C)that people accused of crimes were guaranteed a trial by jury
D)that people were free to worship as they chose
One result of Napoleon's European conquests was _____.
A)he was crowned emperor of France by the Pope
B)the defeat of Great Britain and Russia
C)the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution throughout Europe
D)the spread of trade between Great Britain and the countries in Napoleon's empire
The Congress of Vienna established a balance of power by ____.
A)establishing equal strength among the countries of Europe
B)dividing Napoleon's empire among the countries of Europe
C)dividing up France among the allied nations
D)giving all the representatives of the Congress equal decision-making power
Liberals were unhappy with the Congress System mainly because ____.
A)they wanted political independence for areas where people shared the same language, customs, and history
B)they wanted to end private ownership of land and factories
C)they believed that revolution was the only way to bring about change
D)they wanted political reform based on the ideals of the French Revolution
The revolutions of 1848 led to all of the following developments in western Europe EXCEPT ____.
A)universal male suffrage
B)the formation of a socialist party in almost every European country
C)the destruction of democratic ideals
D)the continued desire to establish democracy in Europe
Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Red Shirts led the fight for ____.
A)the independence and unification of the Italian states
B)the independence of the Papal States
C)the survival of the Congress System
D)the independence of Brazil and Uruguay
The struggle for a united Germany was led by ____.
A)Richard Wagner
B)King William I
C)Count Otto von Bismarck
D)Wolfgang von Goethe
The unity of the Austrian Empire was threatened by ____.
A)the many nationalities who each wanted self-rule
B)its emperor, Francis Joseph
C)the unification of Germany
D)the unification of Italy
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