Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 33: Rise of Industry

Rise of Industry

Which of the following was NOT a discovery of the Scientific Revolution?
A)Nicolaus Copernicus explained that the planets revolve around the sun.
B)Galileo Galilei discovered that the sun rotates on its axis.
C)Democritus explained the basic idea of atomic physics.
D)Sir Isaac Newton explained the theory of gravitation and how objects move through space.
Which statement about the Agricultural Revolution is most accurate?
A)Enclosure allowed landowners to grow more food using fewer workers, and so tenant farmers took jobs in the cities as industrial workers.
B)Enclosure, a process used in the Agricultural Revolution, means that landowners sectioned their property into small strips of land, each closed in by fences.
C)When landowners began using enclosure, they needed more tenant farmers, and so people moved to agricultural areas.
D)During the Agricultural Revolution- the only change in farming activities was the use of enclosure.
Which of the following was NOT an invention of the Industrial Revolution?
A)the flying shuttle
B)the printing press
C)the steam engine
D)the cotton gin
The development of the assembly line was made possible by the idea of ____.
A)the Colt revolver
B)the factory system
D)interchangeable parts
Which statement about the effects of industrialization is NOT TRUE?
A)Men, women, and children worked in conditions that were difficult, dirty, and dangerous.
B)During the Industrial Revolution, the middle class increased in numbers and grew richer.
C)Although the working conditions in the factories and mines were difficult, dirty, and dangerous, people did have secure jobs that they could count on.
D)The cities became more populated, and the people who lived there suffered unsanitary living conditions, pollution, and epidemics.
The Industrial Revolution was spread from Great Britain to other nations by ____.
A)British inventors
B)skilled British workers who immigrated to other countries
C)Belgian and French spies
D)the World's Fair
The development of electricity contributed to all of the following inventions EXCEPT _____.
A)the telegraph
B)the telephone
C)the radio
D)the internal combustion engine
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