Human Heritage: A World History

Chapter 32: Political Revolutions

Political Revolutions

The 1700s came to be known as the Age of Enlightenment because ____.
A)of new ideas about the arts and science
B)of advancements in industry
C)of new ideas about freedom and government
D)most people were better educated than they had been before
A revolution is defined as ____.
A)an attempt by the people to overthrow or change the government
B)a war between two groups in the same country
C)a conflict between the governments of two or more countries
D)a long-standing conflict between families
The political revolution that began in England in the 1600s came about because of conflicts between _____.
A)the monarchy and the Catholic Church
B)the monarchy and Parliament
C)the monarchy and the Anglican Church
D)the people and Parliament
British policies that led to the American Revolution include all the following EXCEPT ____.
A)the Stamp Act
B)the Townshend Acts
C)the Coercive Acts
D)the Act of Habeas Corpus
Which of the following statements about the Old Regime in France is most accurate?
A)Members of the Third Estate—such as professionals, artisans, and peasants-paid many taxes but had no power.
B)Members of the First Estate—the clergy—paid taxes on Church lands.
C)Members of the Second Estate—the nobility—made up the largest group of people in France.
D)Members of the Second Estate included peasants, city workers, and the bourgeoisie.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen said all of the following EXCEPT that ____.
A)the government's right to rule comes from the people
B)the government's right to rule comes from the Crown
C)people are born free and with equal rights
D)people have freedom of speech and the right to share in government
Which statement is most accurate about France under the government known as the Directory?
A)The people of France had grown more conservative, and most reforms of the Revolution continued under the new government.
B)Although most reforms of the Revolution came to an end, one reform that did remain was the idea that all French people had the right to choose their government.
C)The standard weights and measurements adopted in 1791 ended.
D)Although most reforms of the Revolution came to an end, the people of France chose to continue the monarchy.
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