Biology The Dynamics of Life, Florida Edition

Section 1: Mendel's Laws of Heredity

Mendel's Laws of Heredity

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What is the genotype ratio for the offspring in this Punnett Square? SC.F.2.4.1, SC.F.2.4.2
A)4TT: 2Tt: 1tt
B)1TT: 2Tt: 1tt
C)2TT: 1Tt: 1tt
D)2TT: 1Tt: 2tt
When Mendel conducted his experiments, he needed to transfer pollen grains from a male reproductive organ to a female reproductive organ in a plant. What is this process called? SC.F.2.4.1, SC.H.1.4.1
A)cross pollination
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What is the phenotype ratio for the offspring in this Punnett Square? SC.F.2.4.1, SC.F.2.4.2
A)3 round yellow; 3 round green: 3 wrinkled yellow: 3 wrinkled green
B)3 round yellow; 9 round green: 1 wrinkled yellow: 3 wrinkled green
C)9 round yellow; 3 round green: 3 wrinkled yellow: 1 wrinkled green
D)9 round yellow; 3 round green: 3 wrinkled yellow: 9 wrinkled green
Which of the following statements is NOT true? SC.F.2.4.1, SC.F.2.4.2
A)If an organism has two alleles for a trait that are the same, it is said to be homozygous for that trait.
B)The way an organism looks and behaves is called its genotype.
C)A hybrid is the offspring of two parents that have different forms of a trait.
D)Dominant alleles are represented with upper-case letters.
Female and male sex cells are called __________.
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