Business and Personal Finance © 2007

Chapter 15: Retirement and Estate Planning

NAF Case Studies

Plan Your Financial Life (National Academy Foundation)

Lamar woke up Sunday morning, poured a cup of coffee, and sat down to read the newspaper. After scanning the headlines, he checked the winning lottery numbers against the ticket he purchased the night before. As he read the numbers, they all seemed to match. Could it be possible that he had actually won? He read them one more time and began screaming with excitement. He had just won five million dollars.

Several months later, Lamar is still working at the same office supply warehouse where he has been employed for ten years. His boss and co-workers don’t understand why Lamar hasn’t quit.


Many individuals who win their state lottery decide to keep their jobs. When there is no financial need to work, why do you think some people choose to do so anyway?

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