Glencoe World History: Modern Times, California Edition

Chapter 8: War and Revolution

Student Web Activity

"A Funeral for the Tsar"

On July 17, 1998, the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and his family were buried in a ceremony in St. Petersburg. To commemorate the tsar and his family, the St. Petersburg Times published interviews of people who lived during the time of Tsar Nicholas II. In this activity you will read personal accounts of five people who experienced life before, during, and after the revolution.

Destination Title: Russia's Last Tsar

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Start at the Russia's Last Tsar Web site.

  • Click on Remembering the End of an Empire.
  • Read the individual articles on the eyewitnesses, taking notes as you read.

After you have read the material, answer the following questions.

What opinion did the eyewitnesses have of Tsar Nicholas II?
How did life change for Sofia Khvatskaya after the revolution?
What was Ilya Musin's experience?
Why was Tatyana Dmitrievna Vasilevskaya's family spared during the revolution?
Imagine you are the reporter who is interviewing the eyewitnesses for the newspaper. On a separate sheet of paper, write two follow-up questions for each of the eyewitnesses. Make sure that the questions cover information that is currently lacking in the account. The questions should focus either on the revolution itself or the time immediately following the revolution.
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