Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 25: Balancing Work and Personal Life

Balancing Work and Personal Life

Which of the following is a good question to ask a potential roommate?
A)Do you have a regular income?
B)Do you smoke?
C)Do you like to cook?
D)all of the above
What is one advantage of living at home?
A)you won't have as much privacy
B)it is less expensive than living on your own
C)you won't have to make all your own decisions
D)being able to eat fast food
What are electricity, gas, and water considered?
A)fixed expenses
B)monthly maintenance fees
D)part of your rent
For what purpose would you use a rental property checklist?
A)to compare potential rental properties
B)to compare potential roommates
C)to budget for your new apartment
D)to make you feel safe in your new apartment
What does a security deposit cover?
A)the last month's rent
C)possible damage that you might cause to the dwelling while you are living there
D)maintenance to the outside of the building
Which of the following is a good housekeeping habit?
A)keep all your mail together in one pile
B)wait until all your clothes are dirty and do all the laundry at once
C)set aside a small amount of time on a regular basis for housecleaning
D)all of the above
What do people mean when they say, “Don't forget what you're working for”?
A)remember that what's really important is yourself, your family, and your friends
B)remember that your employer is paying you to do a specific job
C)remember that work should be the most important aspect of your life
D)be sure to allow time in the workday to enjoy your hobbies
What should you do because you spend so much time at work?
A)you should make sure that all your friends work for the same company
B)you should also focus on developing friendships outside of work
C)you should be sure your friends enjoy hearing you talk about your job
D)you should be involved in sports
What is a good way to expand your circle of friends?
A)join an organization, such as an environmental organization or an arts group
B)join a sports team
C)enroll in an evening class at a local college
D)all of the above
What should you do to get along well with your roommate?
A)ignore their pet peeves
B)ignore the “little things”
C)listen to what they have to say and communicate clearly
D)turn off the lights
What might your company do to help you balance your work and family life?
A)your company may be able to help, by offering flextime or on-site day care
B)do not expect most companies to help because it is considered your responsibility
C)you must get all your work done, even if it takes time away from other things
D)your company may be able to make sure that your time outside of work is scheduled for recreational activities
What is the term for choosing the hours you want to work?
A)sole proprietor
C)on-site day care
What must you do before you can vote?
A)reach 21 years of age
B)register to vote
C)have a Social Security number
D)all of the above
Why is voting important?
A)it is your most important obligation as a citizen because your vote decides what laws we live by
B)it is important because it is a way to stay informed about your community
C)it is important because it is a good way to meet other people
D)is not important, because one person's vote doesn't make any difference
Why do companies offer family-friendly benefits?
A)because they are required to do so by law
B)because they want to share the work
C)because they have extra money to spend
D)because employees who are under less family stress are more loyal and more productive
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