Succeeding in the World of Work

Chapter 7: Interviewing


What is the best way to stand out in a competitive job market?
A)prepare a perfect résumé
B)apply to a company where a friend works
C)do research about a company you will interview with and ask intelligent questions at your interview
D)wear designer clothes to the interview
Reading industry magazines and talking to people in an industry that interests you is a good way to do what?
A)research companies you want to work for
B)get the best salary when you land your dream job
C)learn standard English
D)rehearse for a job interview
What is a good way to prepare for a job interview?
A)role play with a friend
B)practice in front of a mirror
C)prepare answers to typical questions
D)all of the above
If an interviewer asks you how old you are, what should you do?
A)answer the question
B)tell the interviewer that you have no intention of answering such a clearly illegal question
C)politely defer from answering, and change the subject to your skills
D)walk out
What should you do if you decide during an interview that you don't want the job?
A)tell the interviewer immediately so you don't leave them with a false impression of you
B)wait a day or two; you may change your mind
C)accept the job anyway, you may not get a better offer
D)tell them during the interview that you don't want the job unless they pay you a lot more money
Which of the following is an example of body language that shows confidence?
A)a slouch
B)a firm handshake
C)nail biting
D)leaning back in the chair
What should you do if an interviewer asks you a tough question?
A)stay calm and focus your answer on your skills
B)change the subject
C)act like you didn’t hear the question
D)ignore the question
What is one reason why companies may ask interviewees to participate in role-playing during an interview?
A)role-playing clearly demonstrates a person's skills
B)they want to see how the interviewee reacts under stress
C)the company considers problem solving to be the most important skill for new employees
D)all of the above
What should you do if an interviewer asks very few questions and expects you to do a lot of talking?
A)assume that the company is unorganized and that you should be cautious about taking the job
B)assume that the interviewer is not interested in you
C)be prepared to explain your qualifications and skills and why you want to work for the company
D)walk out
What is polite and appropriate to say at the end of an interview?
A)“So, did I get the job?”
B)“May I call you next week to hear your decision?”
C)“I'll wait to hear from you.”
D)“Nice tie!”
What is the purpose of sending a thank-you letter after an interview?
A)it is not necessary; no one expects them anymore
B)it reinforces your skills and restates your interest in the job
C)it takes the place of a phone call
D)it shows that you know that it is the right thing to do
What should you do after an interview?
A)forget about it; it's over
B)wait by the phone
C)evaluate your performance and think of how you can improve the next interview
D)accept the job
What should you do if you are offered a job at the end of an interview?
A)accept it immediately
B)negotiate a salary
C)sign a contract
D)nothing is required; you can ask for a day or two to consider the offer if you like
What is the best way to dress for an interview?
A)wear new clothes
B)dress conservatively
C)wear expensive jewelry
D)wear your hair in an unusual style
Which of the following is an example of a tough question you might be asked during an interview?
A)“How can the company be assured that you'll give us your best effort?”
B)“What qualities do you have that offset your lack of experience?”
C)“Are you going to move to a better job as soon as you gain experience here?”
D)all of the above
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