BSCS Biology: A Molecular Approach

Chapter 15: Advances in Molecular Genetics

Chapter Test

What is the role of the Human Genome Organization?
A)to critique scientist's research
B)to coordinate research of scientists in various countries
C)to regulate the research of pharmaceutical companies
D)to distribute government funds from the National Institute of Health and other agencies
Which of the following is not a current application of genome information?
A)modifying the genome of soy beans
B)finding new viruses
C)finding treatments for genetic diseases
D)improving livestock
How is computer analysis of DNA sequences used in functional genomics?
A)to classify genome sequences
B)to identify genetically modified organisms
C)to compare DNA sequences of various organisms
D)to predict the structures and functions of the proteins they encode
Variation in what gene affects an individual's ability to break down foreign substances?
A)cytochrome P450
Altering the gene sequences in bacteria or viruses is an example of ____.
A)selective breeding
B)genetic potential research
C)genetic engineering
D)natural selection
Which of the following is an enzyme involved in DNA repair?
B)DNA ligase
C)DNA polymerase
D)DNA dehydrogenase
How does a restriction enzyme work?
A)It uses a DNA chain reaction to separate the DNA into equal pieces, each containing a unique base sequence.
B)It begins a chemical chain reaction at certain temperatures that forces the chromosomal DNA to separate into small base-paired sequences.
C)It multiplies the DNA so that small pieces can be removed without impairing the structure and function of the original DNA.
D)It cuts the DNA into smaller pieces wherever a certain base sequence is detected by the enzyme.
How is PCR being used to help us understand more about evolution?
A)By comparing the DNA sequences found in some fossil remains with modern organisms, evolutionary relationships can be identified.
B)By identifying errors in DNA sequences over time, the process of natural selection can be clearly described for certain organisms.
C)Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis identifies evolutionary trends among organisms.
D)Fossil remains that contain DNA sequences can be compared to identify the era in which the organism lived.
What is a missense mutation?
A)a change in the codon for an amino acid that makes it a stop codon
B)a mutation caused by exposure to radiation
C)a disruption in the pattern of three-base codons
D)a change in the amino acid this is important to protein structure or function
How is gene therapy an advantage over traditional treatments for diabetes?
A)It can allow the body to produce its own insulin, rather than having to inject insulin into the person.
B)It can allow the body to completely synthesize genetically engineered insulin, allowing for smaller dose injections.
C)It can replace the body's need to produce insulin, by allowing synthetic insulin to be produced by the pancreas.
D)It enhances the production of human insulin by inserting and integrating synthetic insulin into the DNA of the organism.
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