Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 14: Gases

Web Links

This site provides information about gases and gas laws. Work the gas law math problems to check your understanding.
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Virtual Laboratory
Visit this site to perform virtual experiments on gases. Why shouldn't the pressure in your chamber exceed 10 atmospheres?
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A Biography of Joseph Priestly
Visit this site to learn about the life of this prominent English scientist that immigrated to America. Read through this article to discover the fate of his laboratory and library that he once owned in England.
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A Biography of Robert Boyle
Visit this site to learn about the life of Robert Boyle. He is best known for Boyles Law, but he contributed much more to science. Read this biography to learn about his many accomplishments.
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A Biography of Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
Read this biography of Gay-Lussac to see how human error and accepting false “truths” impacted the work of several great scientists.
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Gas Lasers
Visit this site to learn about gases that are used in lasers. Read this page to find out what gas lasers are used for.
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Gases and Scuba Diving
Visit this site to learn about some of the gas mixtures used in scuba diving. Read this article to find out what Nitrox, Heliox, and Trimix are.
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How Airships Fly
Visit these sites to read more about modern airships. Click on the link Pictures! to see lots of photos in the first Web site.
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