Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 13: States of Matter

Web Links

Dipole-Dipole Forces
Visit this site for an explanation of dipole-dipole forces.
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What are Amorphous Solids?
View the slide for a graphic representation of amorphous solids. What is the other type of solid represented?
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Diffusion of Oxygen in the Lungs
Visit this site to read how oxygen diffuses across membranes from the lungs into the blood stream. Read through the article to find out how the rate of diffusion is affected by various factors.
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The Biography of Thomas Graham
Visit this site to read about the scientist that formulated Graham’s Law. Read the Web site to find out which office that Thomas Graham and Sir Isaac Newton both held.
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Thomas Graham
Visit this site to learn more about this English scientist. Did you know that he is the father of kidney dialysis? Click on the link to view the statue of Graham in George Square in Great Britain.
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Gas and Liquid Diffusion in Membranes
Visit this site to read about synthetic membranes that are selectively permeable or membranes that allow some substances to go through and stop others. Look at the charts that show which gases and liquids are removed from their source. What implications does this type of chemistry have in real world applications?
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A Short Biography of Evangelista Torricelli
Visit this site to find out more about this scientist and mathematician. Click on some of the other links to find out more about Torricelli.
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Crystal Lattice Structures
This site contains drawings of several types of unit cells. Click on the many links to learn more about unit cells.
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