Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 12: Stoichiometry

Web Links

Stoichiometry Practice Problems
Visit this site and try the practice problems. Use the solutions provided to check your understanding of stoichiometry.
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Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry
Visit this site to learn more about stoichiometry. Click on the link for the tutorial.
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The Process of Making Soap
Visit this site for a slide show on the industrial process of making soap. Click on the arrow beside the photo to go to the next photo.
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How do soaps and detergents work?
Visit this site to find out how soaps and detergents work and the chemical compounds that compose them. Do you recognize the compounds and chemical groups discussed on this site? Be sure to go back to the top of the page and click on page 2 to find out about detergents. Click on the “history of soap” link on this page to find more interesting facts about soap.
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