The World and Its People: Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Russia

Chapter 8: Brazil and Its Neighbors

Student Web Activity


In this chapter, you learned about Brazil and its neighboring countries. One of those countries, Paraguay, lies landlocked near the center of South America. In this lesson, you will research to find out more about this country.

Destination Title: CIA World Factbook

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Start at the CIA World Factbook Web site.

  • Click on Select a Country.
  • Scroll down and click on Paraguay.
  • Explore the information presented about Paraguay. After you have read through the information, answer the following questions.

After you have read through the information, answer the following questions.

Study the map of Paraguay. What three countries surround Paraguay?
What are the coordinates (latitude and longitude) for Paraguay?
Describe some of the environmental issues facing Paraguay.
Scroll down to Economy. What is Paraguay's per capita GDP?
Browse the rest of the information and create a Tourist Information Sheet for visitors to Paraguay. Think about the types of information to include-currency, major cities, communication, transportation, and so on. Add drawings or photographs from magazines to make your information sheet more interesting.
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