The World and Its People: Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Russia

Chapter 5: Canada

Web Activity Lesson Plans

In this chapter, students read about Canada’s land, economy, and people. Canada’s population is very diverse. The country has been influenced by Native Americans, the French, and the British. Immigrants including Europeans, Asians, and Africans have also migrated to Canada. As a result of this diversity, Canada has struggled to form a national identity. Its rich history, however, is evident in its symbols and songs.

Lesson Description
Students will visit the Canadian government Web site and read about Canada’s symbols and songs. They will use what they have previously learned in the chapter and the Web site to explain how these symbols and songs reflect Canada’s history. Students will then use the Internet to find more information about Canada and write their own songs about Canada.

Instructional Objectives

  1. The student will be able to explain how the history of a country is often reflected in symbols and songs.
  2. The student will use the Internet to find more information about Canada to write and perform their own songs.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. The maple leaf is a symbol that is closely identified with Canada. The maple leaves on the arms of Canada represent Canadians of all origins.
  2. Canada was once a colony of Great Britain and France. The flags represent the two nations that established Canada’s most enduring laws and customs.
  3. Throughout their histories, France and Great Britain have had red or white as their colors on banners. The national colors reflect Canada’s history as a colony of both France and Great Britain.
  4. It is proper for people to stand and for civilian men to take off their hats. Women, along with children, should not remove their hats.
  5. Students’ songs will vary.
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