The American Journey, Florida Edition

Chapter 13: North and South

Student Web Activity

"Family Life in the South"

In this chapter you have read about the differences between the North and the South. Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, those differences led to increased tension and conflicts over lifestyles, economic issues, and the balance of power in Congress. In this activity you will take a closer look at family life in the South before the Civil War.

Destination Title: The Cabildo

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Start at the Cabildo home page.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Antebellum LA-Agrarian Life.
  • As you scroll down this page to read the information, be sure to study the photographs and illustrations.

Use what you have learned to answer the following questions.

The largest plantation complexes were self-sufficient. What does that mean?
What was the role of the mistress of the plantation?
How many free African Americans owned land in Louisiana in 1860?
How did the majority of rural whites and free African Americans live during this time?
Draw a large circle and divide it into three equal sections. Label each section with one of the following: Planters, Enslaved African-Americans, Small farmers and ranchers. In the appropriate section, write words and phrases or draw pictures to depict each group's life in Louisiana prior to the Civil War.
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