Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 9:

Fill in the Blanks

Choose the best word from the list provided to correctly complete each sentence.
" semblance ", " ensemble ", " transpire ", " assimilate ", " inspiration ", " expiration ", " simile ", " simulate ", " aspirant ", " verisimilitude "


Suzanne was a/an to her employees. She was such a good manager that she had her whole department working together like a fluid . Although she was a/an with an eye on being promoted, her team spirit did not lack . As in any company, problems would occasionally , but Suzanne never lost her of composure. Whereas a lot of people would use the "like putting out fires" when dealing with problems, Suzanne didn't think any problem had a definite . Rather, she thought each problem contained an ongoing lesson to into her understanding of work. She believed in this theory so strongly that if things were running smoothly, she would sometimes ask her employees to a problem to keep her thinking about how to make things work even better.
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