Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 19:

Fill in the Blanks

Choose the best word from the list provided to correctly complete each sentence.
" heresy ", " palette ", " dynamic ", " subtle ", " innate ", " pidgin ", " proclivity ", " linguist ", " orient ", " crucial "


Mark was an outgoing and painter who loved to travel, but he wasn't very good at speaking foreign languages. While at birth he may have had a/an ability to learn to communicate, he was certainly no and in fact hadn't shown any toward learning another language throughout his educational career. His friends were of no help either, regarding it as virtually to think Americans needed anything but English to get by in the world. When in a foreign city, he often found it difficult to himself, but asking directions of locals in his terrible English brought only scorn or laughter. But to Mark's credit, he believed travel was a/an part of a well-rounded person's experience in life. So he kept lugging his and paintbrushes from city to city, and he kept on traveling. And eventually, although the change was so he didn't notice it happening, Mark became fluent in an almost unspoken traveling language that people seemed to understand virtually everywhere he went.
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