Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 14:

Fill in the Blanks

Choose the best word from the list provided to correctly complete each sentence.
" disseminate ", " adulterate ", " periphery ", " ligature ", " pervasive ", " coalesce ", " permeate ", " amalgamate ", " diffuse ", " correlate "


Fast food restaurants have become so that you can find one in almost any city in the world. While some people think it would only their bodies to eat fast food, others it in with their regular diet. However, there is no question that people's health and weight can with the amount of fast food they eat. Fast food restaurants seem to themselves like a virus. They have already come to the globe in a spread-out, way. They are located both in the center and on the of every city. Fast food restaurants have come to be the most recognized symbols in the world, and in this way perhaps they act as kind of a/an that binds many different cultures together. For there is one thing about fast food restaurants about which we can be certain. Wherever people and cities are born, there too fast food restaurants will go.
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