Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 26:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have read “Vocabulary of Decline and Destruction” and completed three exercises to learn the following new vocabulary words: cataclysm, decadence, decimate, depredate, expunge, interpolate, obliterate, putrefaction, stagnate, and wane.

Lesson Description
Students will visit an Online Etymology Dictionary, where they will find the answer to a word genealogy question for each of the vocabulary words.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students’ understanding of individual word definitions will become more concrete.
  2. Students will improve their ability to recognize root words and their meanings in the English language.
  3. Students will come to appreciate how words are changing entities with histories rather than static things with simple definitions.
  4. Students will become familiar with a valuable online word tool.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. “down” and “to wash”
  2. 19th Century
  3. 1 in 10 or 10%
  4. prey
  5. prick out
  6. “up” and “to smoothe, polish”
  7. letter, script
  8. Old French
  9. standing water
  10. Proto-Germanic to Old English

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