Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 25:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have read “Context Clues: Reading in the Sciences” and completed three exercises to learn the following new vocabulary words: advocate, arable, edifice, heyday, intimidate, notorious, nutriment, obsolete, perpetuate, and predilection. 

Lesson Description
Students will play a concentration game using all of the above vocabulary.

Instructional Objectives
Students will be able to match word definitions with their respective vocabulary terms.

Student Web Activity Answers
Advocate: To plead in favor of
Arable: Suitable for cultivation by plowing
Edifice: A building, especially a large and imposing one
Heyday: The period of greatest success, power, etc.; prime
Intimidate: To frighten; to make timid
Notorious: Well known, usually unfavorably
Nutriment: Anything that nourishes; food
Obsolete: No longer in use; outdated
Perpetuate: To make to last or continue for a very long time
Predilection: A special liking for something; preference

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