Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 13:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have read "The Spirit of 1215" to learn the following new vocabulary words: accost, acquiesce, duress, embolden, extant, inviolable, mollify, obviate, provocation, and redress. 

Lesson Description
Students will complete a text identification activity, matching words with definitions.

Instructional Objectives
Students will be able to match word definitions with their respective vocabulary terms.

Student Web Activity Answers
provocation: something that incites anger or stirs to action
extant: still existing; not lost, destroyed, or extinct
accost: to approach and speak to in a hostile or aggressive manner
obviate: to anticipate and prevent
duress: constraint by force or threat
redress: compensation or satisfaction for a wrong
acquiesce: to consent silently or without protest; assent
mollify: to soothe anger or hostility
embolden: to make bold; encourage
inviolable: not to be violated or profaned; indestructible

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