Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 10:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have read “Context Clues: Reading in the Humanities” and completed three exercises to learn the following new vocabulary words: aspire, dense, emulate, grotesque, inextricably, intrinsic, overt, rail, reconcile, and unprecedented.

Lesson Description
Students will answer True or False questions, using all of the above vocabulary.

Instructional Objectives
Students will be able to identify and use the vocabulary words correctly in context.

Student Web Activity Answers
True: People often emulate qualities they admire.
False: People also rail about qualities they admire.
False: Water mixes inextricably with oil.
True: Lead is a dense substance, making it good protection against radiation.
False: Unprecedented events happen over and over again.
True: You have to aspire to greatness to want to be president of the United States.
True: Most people find racism to be a grotesque characteristic in a person.
True: There are no intrinsic differences between people.
False: That is why people will never reconcile their differences.
False: It is best to launch an overt operation as secretly as possible.

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