Vocabulary Builder Course 5

Lesson 1:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have read “Master of the Wordless Theater” and completed three exercises to learn the following new vocabulary words:
adroit, embody, foible, fugitive, irrepressible, keen, legacy, nuance, repertoire, stark.

Lesson Description
Students will complete a crossword puzzle, using all of the above vocabulary.

Instructional Objectives
Students will be able to recognize and match word definitions with their respective vocabulary terms.

Student Web Activity Answers
adroit: being skillful or clever in the handling of a situation
embody: to give definite or concrete form to the idea of something
foible: a minor weakness in character
fugitive: passing away quickly; difficult to grasp or retain; a person who is running away from something
irrepressible: It is impossible to restrain or control something that is______.
keen: strong or intense; having or showing mental quickness; piercing or cutting
legacy: A ______ is something that is handed down from the past to future generations.
nuance: a subtle distinction; a slight variation in meaning, expression, or tone
repertoire: a list of artistic works, such as plays or songs, that an individual or group is prepared to perform
stark: utter, complete, absolute; bleak, desolate, barren; harsh, grim

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