The Stage and the School

Chapter 14: Theater and Other Media

Web Quest

In this chapter you learned how many different kinds of media can come together to create stimulating and visually stunning theater and film. In this activity you will use the Internet to learn more about one film production company, Pixar Animation Studios.

Destination Title
Pixar Animation Studios

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window. Need help using your browser for this activity? Click here for tips.

Directions: Start at the Pixar Animation Studios Web site.

  • Click on and read How We Do It.
  • Click on and read Feature Films.
  • Click on and read RenderMan®.
  • Click on Company Info.
  • Click on and read History.
  • Answer the following questions.

What are the four stages Pixar Studios goes through to make a film?
Name at least two feature films produced by Pixar Studios.
What is RenderMan®?
Which Pixar film won the Oscar® in 2004 for Best Animated Film?
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