Entering the World of Work

Chapter 10: Job Safety

Smart Tips

Real-World Connection
Follow these directions to make your poster.

  1. From your teacher, get a piece of poster board. Your poster board can be white or a color.
  2. You may choose to make a poster about one hazard or about several hazards.
  3. Clip pictures from magazines, draw your own, or download images from the Internet. Have colorful pictures or black and white pictures. The choice is yours. The pictures or drawings should show hazards in the workplace.
  4. Lay out your poster by putting the pictures in different places on the poster board. Leave room for words on your poster.
  5. Use glue or a glue stick to adhere the pictures to the poster.
  6. Use colored markers or crayons to print any words you want on your poster. You can choose from any of the following words or find your own. Make your words in different sizes and colors to add interest to your poster. Make sure the words match the pictures.
    • Hazard!
    • Stop!
    • Safety Zone
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Chemical spill!
    • Wet floor
  7. Display your poster in the classroom.

Point of View
Fire escape instructions are posted in your school. They may also be posted in your classroom. Read the instructions. Invite someone from your local fire department to talk to your class about fire safety.
         Think about the design of your classroom. Ask yourself: “What is the best way for all the students to leave the classroom?” Think about the location of your classroom to exit doors. Ask yourself: “What are the closest exit doors to the classrooms? What are the next closest?” Think about students with special needs, such as students who need the assistance of a wheelchair or students with sight impairments. Ask yourself: “What is the safest way for all students to leave the classroom and then the building?”
         Your instructions might look like this:

  1. In case of fire, line up along the south wall.
  2. Leave the classroom and walk side-by-side with a partner to the Court Street exit. In case the Court Street entrance is blocked, exit through the South Street exit.
  3. All students with special needs are to be partnered with two other students and two alternate helpers. The alternate helpers will be available in case one of the regular helpers is absent or unavailable. The helpers are to assist students with special needs from the building.
  4. Meet in front of the school sign as soon as you exit the building. It is very important that you come to the sign. There will be a head count to make sure everyone is out safely.

Making Good Choices
Think about all your options. You could carry the trays and possibly hurt yourself or someone else. You could carry the trays and grumble. You could carry the trays and be fine. You could tell your supervisor and let him or her find someone else. You could ask a co-worker for help. You could offer to do a co-worker's job in exchange for the co-worker carrying the tray for you. You could find someone to exchange jobs with and tell your supervisor that you are unable to carry the trays, but that you found a solution.
         Perhaps your supervisor did not realize that you are not strong enough to carry the trays. By offering a solution to your supervisor rather than just saying that you cannot do something will help your supervisor. Remember what an important part attitude plays in work situations. Do not whine. Instead be cheerful and find the solution that works for everyone.

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