Entering the World of Work

Section 2: Planning Your Career

Answers to Section Review

After You Read

  1. Specific career goals are more useful than general career goals because they indicate a specific occupation and give you a better idea of how to pursue your career goal. General career goals may be too vague and might not give you a good sense of how to start pursuing your goal.
  2. It is important to review your career plan often because it will help motivate you and keep you moving toward your goal. You might also find things you want to change.
  3. Some students may think that planning is better than living one day at a time because planning helps them achieve their goals. Other students may think that living one day at a time is better because it allows them to be open to new opportunities and experiences as they come. All students should acknowledge the importance of planning the areas of their lives, such as their careers, that should not be left to chance.

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