Economics Today and Tomorrow

Chapter 19: Converging Economic Systems

Student Web Activity

"The World Trade Organization"

In this chapter you learned that China's potential membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) has increased China's prospects for a more prosperous and stable economy. The main function of the WTO is to facilitate trade among nations and to ensure that it is as free of restrictions as possible. In addition to providing China with the means to creating a secure and successful trade network with other nations, the WTO assists over 130 other nations, and its members account for more than 90 percent of world trade. Read about the WTO and the benefits it brings its members by visiting the World Trade Organization Web site.

Destination Title: World Trade Organization

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Start at the World Trade Organization Web site.

  • Run the cursor over the link entitled in "The WTO" and click on the "What is the WTO" topic.
  • Browse through the site, taking notes as you go. Be sure to visit "The WTO in Brief" and the "10 Benefits of the WTO Trading System" topics.

Read through the information, and then answer the following questions.

How is the WTO organized?
How does the WTO facilitate trade among nations?
What special provisions are made for developing countries in their compliance with WTO agreements?
How does the WTO mission of increased trade among all nations foster improved living conditions for nations whose economies are in transition?
Create a chart with two headings: "Benefits to Developing Nations" and "Benefits to Developed Nations." Use your research to complete the chart illustrating how trade helps to improve living conditions for nations worldwide.
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