Glencoe Science Level Green

Chapter 3: Rocks

Calculate Thickness

It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.2 m thick.
A)0.1 m
B)0.08 m
C)0.06 m
D)0.04 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.15 m thick.
A)0.45 m
B)0.55 m
C)0.6 m
D)0.40 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.25 m thick.
A)0.5 m
B)0.25 m
C)0.75 m
D)1.5 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.4 m thick.
A)2.2 m
B)1.2 m
C)1.6 m
D)1.0 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.5 m thick.
A)2.1 m
B)1.9 m
C)2.5 m
D)1.5 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.6 m thick.
A)1.2 m
B)1.8 m
C)2.0 m
D)2.4 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.12 m thick.
A)0.36 m
B)0.30 m
C)0.42 m
D)0.56 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.18 m thick.
A)0.48 m
B)0.42 m
C)0.56 m
D)0.54 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.22 m thick.
A)0.66 m
B)0.60 m
C)0.42 m
D)0.35 m
It took 300 million years for a layer of plant matter about 0.9 m thick to produce a bed of bituminous coal 0.3 m thick. Estimate the thickness of plant matter that produced a bed of coal 0.9 m thick.
A)3.2 m
B)2.2 m
C)4.5 m
D)2.7 m
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