Writer's Choice Grade 9

Unit 28: Taking Tests

Multiple Choice Quiz

Which of the following is a strategy for answering multiple-choice questions?
A)Read the question carefully.
B)Read all of the responses— even if the first one seems correct.
C)Narrow the choices by eliminating answers that are incorrect.
D)all of the above
Which of the following statements is correct?
A)If any part of the statement is true, then the statement is true.
B)Many true-false items include some information that is true and some that is false.
C)In a true-false item, correct the false statements.
D)all of the above
Which of the following is an effective time management strategy?
A)Since time is limited, skim over the directions.
B)Start by answering the most difficult questions.
C)Spend the last few minutes reviewing your answers.
D)all of the above
Matching questions often pair _____________________.
A)terms and their definitions
B)events and the dates they occurred
C)causes and their effects
D)All of the above
Short-answer items are best answered _________.
A)with as much information as you can recall
B)with precisely phrased complete sentences
C)with generalities
D)all of the above
Which of the following statements is false?
A)Ability tests evaluate general learning skills.
B)Reading comprehension items require you to figure out what is not stated in the passage.
C)Analogies evaluate your ability to recognize and use standard English.
D)all of the above
A/An ______________ is an example of a standardized test.
A)ability test
B)achievement test
C)aptitude test
D)all of the above
Analogies _______.
A)test your ability to analyze the relationships between words
B)test your knowledge of words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings
C)test your ability to make accurate conclusions based on information not explicitly expressed in a passage
D)all of the above
An inference item ______________________.
A)tests your ability to analyze the relationships between words
B)test your knowledge of words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings
C)test your ability to make accurate conclusions based on information not explicitly expressed in a passage
D)all of the above
Which of the following is a tip for taking standardized tests?
A)Always guess the answer for items you do not have time to complete.
B)Frequently compare the item numbers on your test and answer sheet.
C)Use your answer sheet for scratch paper.
D)all of the above
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