Writer's Choice Grade 9

Unit 27: Study Skills

Unit Activity Lesson Plans

Students have learned methods to improve their study skills. In this lesson, they will test their understanding of these skills by completing a crossword puzzle.

Lesson Description
Students will complete a crossword puzzle using terms and concepts from the unit.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will be able to recall study skills and techniques.
  2. Students will demonstrate their reading-comprehension skills.
Student Web Activity Answers skim: glance over text, looking at chapter and lesson titles and topic sentences
scan: look for key terms and specific information
fact: a statement that can be proved
opinion: a personal judgment
graphics: visual representations of information
bar graph: a graphic that shows a quantity comparison
flow chart: a graphic that shows relationships
maps: graphic representations of Earth's features
figurative language: similes, metaphors, and idioms
SQ3R method: survey, question, read, record, and review


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