Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy (Arny), 7th Edition

Chapter 4: Light and Atoms

Thought Questions

If red stars are cooler than blue stars, and red light has less energy than blue light, why do you suppose we associate the color red with hot and the color blue with cold in everyday life?
Why do night-vision cameras use infrared detectors?
Through a telescope, you see a red object. Is that enough information to tell what temperature it is? Explain.
Why don't atoms emit a continuous spectrum?
Given that water absorbs microwaves very strongly, can you explain why a Pop-Tart gets very hot inside while its crust stays cool if you heat it in a microwave oven?
How can you tell what sort of gas is emitting light?
How would a spectrum help you learn what the atmosphere of Venus is made of?
Review the types of spectra. What kinds of spectra do an incandescent lightbulb and a compact fluorescent bulb produce? Make an argument why a 23W fluorescent bulb can light up a room as effectively as a 100W incandescent. Where does the other energy from the incandescent go?
If you added more water or carbon dioxide to our atmosphere, how would it alter the loss of heat from our planet? Would the Earth get warmer or colder? Why?
Can you explain why the atmospheric layer containing ozone is much warmer than the levels above and below it?
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