Human Geography (Malinowski), 1st Edition

Chapter 12: Environment and Conservation



Which best applies to the term ‘environment’ in geography?
A)mainly processes in the atmosphere only
B)political actions by countries or states
C)anything on the surface of the earth that is not human-made
D)the geography of global sports

In terms of the discussion in the text of environmental perception, Harry Truman
12b_01 (138.0K)
A)was President of the United States who commanded the drop of atomic bombs on Japan.
B)was an old codger who lived near Mt. St. Helens in Washington state.
C)developed theories on landscape morphology and perception.
D)none of the above.

How someone perceives, responds to, and acts to a natural hazard would be
A)examples of cognitive factors.
B)examples of physical factors.
C)examples of situation factors.
D)examples of cursory factors.

The Ogallala aquifer of the Great Plains in the U.S.
12d_04 (261.0K)
A)is a great natural underwater storage facility.
B)is gradually decreasing in water capacity.
C)soon may not be able to supply local farmers with enough water for crops.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following, because of the influx of new autos, is the best example of air pollution over the last 20 years?
12e_02 (102.0K)
A)New York City, New York
B)London, England
C)Beijing, China
D)Tokyo, Japan

Which is the best example of solid waste?
A)baby diapers
B)junk mail
C)plastic bags
D)all of the above

Recycling of solid and other waste in the U.S.
A)has risen from about 6% of waste in 1960 to over 33% in 2007.
B)has decreased gradually as people do not see the sense in the practice.
C)has only risen 2 or 3% since 1960, showing a lack of interest.
D)has decreased minimally about 5% from 33% of all waste since the 1980s.

The current recycling efforts annually in the U.S. are equal to
12f_03 (261.0K)
A)catching several hundred fish from the Great Lakes.
B)pulling 35 million cars off of U.S. roads.
C)the closing of one nuclear power plant a year.
D)stealing the hydroelectric power from 10 Canadian plants.

One problem with the storage of nuclear waste is that
A)everybody in the vicinity will be affected.
B)nuclear waste causes common colds to turn into ‘ebola’ type symptoms.
C)it may take hundreds of years for radioactivity to decrease in strength.
D)it will usually easily become airborne and affect cattle.

An example in Youngstown, Ohio, of housing for blacks on the east side of the Mahoning River in the direction of prevailing winds passing over steel mills while white workers and management lived in cleaner air regions west of the river is an example of
12j_2 (243.0K)
A)immigrant impossibility.
B)environmental injustice.
C)landscape degradation.
D)increased deforestation.
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