Human Geography (Malinowski), 1st Edition

Chapter 11: Geography of Governance and Representation



Which is the best example of Jus Sanguinis?
A)a German child born in Russia but because the parents were German the child gains German citizenship
B)a German child gaining citizenship because it is born within the territory of Germany
C)a German child gaining rights because he is the child of the King and thus chosen by God
D)a German child gaining citizenship because of the language that he or she speaks

Which countries divide their territories into manageable subunits?
A)the United States
D)all of the above

In unitary states
A)many subunits operated relatively autonomously from the central government.
B)federal regions operate separately from the main countries offices of administration.
C)most control resides with the central government.
D)both a & b.

In geo-political structure which does not apply to Canada?
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A)it is a confederation of provinces
B)it also has a federal structure
C)it is politically and ethnically a plural society
D)it is a unitary state with a centralized government

In federal states
A)the central government maintains the premier control of the country.
B)the policing power is held mainly by the central government.
C)each subunit is granted independent constitutional authority.
D)all of the above.

In terms of confederations, the UAE since the 1970s has
A)become more federal.
B)failed in its confederation.
C)become more centralized in structure.
D)broken into different sovereign states.

Which of the following best qualify as core regions within their countries?
A)Paris and London
B)Washington D.C. and Berlin
C)Madrid and Rome
D)Brasilia and Caracas

Though Italy’s capital is in the historic center of Rome
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A)the best agriculture is found to the south.
B)the climate gets much drier and rockier to the north.
C)the best industry and agriculture by far is in the north.
D)the core language and religion traits are found in the south.

In the cases of Brazil, Pakistan, and Nigeria
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A)capital cities have been relocated from colonial coastal locations to central locations.
B)capitals are now in peripheral colonial coastal locations to connect better with other countries through seafaring transport routes.
C)capital cities are split into various locations within each country according to function.
D)there are no capital cities because government is anarchic and chaotic.

In the presidential elections map of the contest between Gore and Bush
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A)Gore appears to have less area though the number of votes was equal.
B)Bush appears to have more area though the number of votes was equal.
C)regular maps showing elections are deceiving because states have greatly variable populations.
D)all of the above.
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