The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Brinkley), 7th Edition

Chapter 32: The Age of Globalization

Study Questions

What major domestic and foreign policy successes did the Clinton administration accomplish? In what ambitious domestic initiative did the administration fail? Why?
Explain how the Florida vote count became critical to determining who won the Presidential election of 2000 even though Al Gore won the national popular vote. How did the U.S. Supreme Court get involved? What did the Court rule? Why was it so controversial?
What were the challenges faced by the George W. Bush administration?
Describe the economic boom that stretched from late 1983 to 2000. What led to the collapse of the stock process and the recession that followed?
How did the Internet and the World Wide Web system revolutionize communications?
Compare and contrast post-1960s accomplishments of the African-American middle class with those of the underclass. What explains the stark disparity?
From where did the "most impassioned opposition to globalization" come? Toward what three organizations did these groups direct most of their ire?
What new actions and attitudes resulted from the tragedy of the airborne terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon?
Describe the factors that led to the financial crisis in 2008.
What were the challenges faced by the Obama administration?
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