American Democracy Now (Harrison), 3rd Edition

Chapter 7: Interest Groups


interest groups  organizations that seek to achieve some of their goals by influencing government decision making
social capital  the many ways in which our lives are improved by social connections
pluralist theory  a theory that holds that policy making is a competition among diverse interest groups that ensure the representation of individual interests
elite theory  a theory that holds that a group of wealthy, educated individuals wields most political power
solidary incentives  motivation to join an interest group based on the companionship and the satisfaction derived from socializing with others that it offers
purposive incentives  motivation to join an interest group based on the belief in the group's cause from an ideological or a moral standpoint
economic incentives  motivation to join an interest group because the group works for policies that will provide members with material benefits
political action committee (PAC)  a group that raises and spends money to influence the outcome of an election
umbrella organizations  interest groups that represent collective groups of industries or corporations
collective goods  outcomes shared by the general public; also called public goods
free rider problem  the phenomenon of someone deriving benefit from others' actions
rational choice theory  the idea that from an economic perspective it is not rational for people to participate in collective action when they can secure the collective good without participating
lobby  to communicate directly with policy makers on an interest group's behalf
issue network  the fluid web of connections among those concerned about a policy and those who create and administer the policy
iron triangle  the interaction of mutual interests among members of Congress, executive agencies, and organized interests during policy making
climate control  the practice of using public outreach to build favorable public opinion of an organization
electioneering  working to influence the elections of candidates who support the organization's issues
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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