American Democracy Now (Harrison), 3rd Edition

Chapter 12: Congress


reapportionment  reallocation of seats in the House of Representatives to each state based on changes in the state's population since the last census
redistricting  redrawing of congressional district boundaries within each state, based on the reapportionment from the census
gerrymandering  the drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit an incumbent, a political party, or another group
majority-minority district  a legislative district composed of a majority of a given minority community—say, African Americans—the intent of which is to make it likely that a member of that minority will be elected to Congress
trustee model  a model of representation in which a member of the House or Senate follows his or her own conscience when deciding issue positions
instructed delegate model  a model of representation in which legislators, as representatives of their constituents, should vote in keeping with the constituents' views, even if those views contradict the legislator's personal views
pork barrel  legislators' appropriations of funds for special projects located within their congressional district
earmark  a designation within a spending bill that provides for a specific expenditure
casework  personal work by a member of Congress on behalf of a constituent or a group of constituents, typically aimed at getting the government to do something the constituent wants done
ombudsperson  a role in which an elected or ap­pointed leader acts as an advocate for citizens by listening to and investigating complaints against a government agency
oversight  the process by which the legislative branch "checks" the executive branch to ensure that the laws Congress has passed are being administered in keeping with legislators' intent
agenda setting  determination by Congress of which public issues the government should consider for legislation
bill  a proposed piece of legislation
hopper  a wooden box that sits on a desk at the front of the House of Representatives, into which House members place bills they want to introduce
joint referral  the practice, abolished in the 104th Congress, by which a bill could be referred to two different committees for consideration
lead committee  the primary committee considering a bill
seniority system  the system in which the member with the longest continuous tenure on a standing committee is given preference when the committee chooses its chair
standing committee  permanent committee in Congress, with a defined legislative jurisdiction
select committee  congressional committee created to consider specific policy issues or address a specific concern
joint committee  bicameral committee composed of members of both chambers of Congress
subcommittee  a subordinate committee in Congress that typically handles specific areas of a standing committee's jurisdiction
agency review  part of the committee or subcommittee process of considering a bill, in which committee members ask executive agencies that would administer the law for written comments on the measure
hearings  sessions held by committees or subcommittees to gather information and views from experts
markup  the process by which members of legislative committees "mark up" a bill with suggested language for changes and amendments
report  a legislative committee's explanation to the full chamber of a bill and its intent
discharge petition  a special tactic used to extract a bill from a committee to have it considered by the entire House
Rules Committee  one of the most important committees in the House, which decides the length of debate and the scope of amendments that will be allowed on a bill
unanimous consent  an agreement by every senator to the terms of debate on a given piece of legislation
filibuster  a procedural move by a member of the Senate to attempt to halt passage of or change a bill, during which the senator can speak for an unlimited time on the Senate floor
cloture  a procedural move in which a supermajority of sixty senators agrees to end a filibuster
conference committee  a bicameral, bipartisan committee composed of legislators whose job is to reconcile two versions of a bill
pocket veto  a special presidential veto of a bill passed at the conclusion of a legislative session, whereby the president waits ten days without signing the bill, and the bill dies
Speaker of the House  the leader of the House of Representatives, chosen by the majority party
House majority leader  the leader of the majority party, who helps the Speaker develop and implement strategy and works with other members of the House of Representatives
majority whip  a go-between with the majority leadership and party members in the House of Representatives
House minority leader  the leader of the minority party, whose job mirrors that of the majority leader but without the power that comes from holding a majority in the House of Representatives
minority whip  go-between with the minority leadership, whose job mirrors that of the majority whip but without the power that comes from holding a majority in the House of Representatives
president pro tempore  (also called president pro tem) theoretically, the chair of the Senate in the vice president's absence; in reality, an honorary title, with the senator of the majority party having the longest record of continuous service being elected to the position
Senate majority leader  the most powerful position in the Senate; the majority leader manages the legislative process and schedules debate on legislation
Senate minority leader  the leader of the minority party in the Senate, who works with the majority leader in negotiating legislation
logrolling  the practice in which members of Congress agree to vote for a bill in exchange for their colleague's vote on another bill
attentive public  the segment of voters who pay careful attention to political issues
Harrison:  American Democracy Now, 2nd Edition
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