Biology (Raven), 10th Edition

Chapter 59: Conservation Biology


Approximately what percentage of large mammals became extinct shortly after humans arrived in North America after the last Ice Age?
A)10 percent
B)25 percent
C)50 percent
D)75 percent
E)100 percent
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of intact ecosystems?
A)warmer atmosphere
B)maintained water quality
C)absorbed pollution
D)preserved soils and nutrients
E)protection against drought
What is the chief cause of almost half of all amphibian species experiencing decreases in population size?
D)natural causes
E)No single cause has been identified, which implies that global environmental changes may be responsible.
Which statement is correct concerning restoration of a habitat, that has been adversely affected by an introduced species, by the removal of the introduced species?
A)It is impossible.
B)It is very difficult and most successful if done very soon after a new species is introduced.
C)It is very difficult and most successful if done long after a new species is introduced.
D)It is relatively easy if done soon after a new species is introduced.
E)It is relatively easy if done long after a new species is introduced.
What is the best way to preserve biodiversity?
A)preserve intact ecosystems rather than individual species
B)fragment ecosystems and concentrate on individual species
C)concentrate on individual species rather than ecosystems
D)create "biodiversity" zones with fragmented habitats
E)increase the population sizes of more diverse species
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