Biology (Raven), 10th Edition

Chapter 58: The Biosphere


How does global warming, due to increasing greenhouse gasses, directly affect humans?
A)changing sea levels
B)increased frequency of extreme climatic events
C)direct and indirect effects on agriculture
D)expansion of tropical diseases
E)All choices are correct.
Why are the tropics warmer than temperate regions?
A)There are fewer clouds in the tropics.
B)The tropics receive more solar energy per unit area because of an almost perpendicular angle of incidence of sunlight.
C)Tropical soils are chemically easier to heat than are temperate soils.
D)The Earth spins the atmosphere in such a way that the heat gets trapped near the equator.
E)It rains a lot in the tropics, and it tends to be warmer in wet areas than in dry areas.
At about 30° north and south latitude, air is _____ and there is _____ precipitation.
A)rising and cooling; little
B)rising and warming; much
C)descending and warming; little
D)descending and warming; much
E)descending and cooling; little
In California, the rain shadow areas with little precipitation occur on the _____ side of mountain ranges.
Cold and hot water currents are matched to geographic regions. Select the current and region that is matched incorrectly.
A)cold; western Africa
B)cold; western North America
C)cold; western Australia
D)cold; western Europe
E)cold; western South America
What two key environmental parameters determine biome distribution?
A)temperature and soil type
B)cloud cover and wind speed
C)temperature and precipitation
D)precipitation and soil type
E)precipitation and wind speed
What is the chief cause of global ocean currents?
A)the rotation of the Earth
B)local environmental conditions
C)surface winds
D)temperature differences between continents
E)No choice is correct.
Which biome has the lowest mean temperatures and the lowest mean precipitation?
B)temperate deciduous forest
What is a consequence of the thermal stratification of lakes?
A)The dissolved oxygen at the bottom level of the lake can be depleted by the end of summer.
B)Dissolved oxygen remains constant throughout the year at all depths due to the formation of a thermocline.
C)The dissolved oxygen at the bottom level of the lake can be depleted by the end of winter.
D)The hypolimnion forms on the lake surface.
E)No choice is correct.
Why are the open oceans low in primary productivity?
A)The ocean currents are too strong for the phytoplankton.
B)Nutrients for phytoplankton are in very low concentrations at the surface, in the photic zone.
C)Pollution has killed most of the phytoplankton.
D)All choices are correct.
E)No choices are correct.
Why is diffuse pollution (e.g. runoff of chemicals into the sewer system) more difficult to deal with than point source pollution?
A)It has many different, small, independent sources.
B)Regulation of diffuse pollution will be ineffective.
C)It depends on changing the behavior of individuals.
D)Many different chemicals are probably involved.
E)All choices are correct.
What are the other greenhouse gases apart from carbon dioxide?
B)methane, nitrous oxide
C)nitrous oxide, ozone
E)hydrogen sulfide
True or false: The mean annual temperatures for some desert areas and much land in savannas and tropical rainforests are similar. The major distinguishing feature between these various biomes is mean annual precipitation.
Which characteristic does NOT define biomes?
A)characteristic vegetational structures
B)particular plant species
C)climatic conditions
D)All choices are correct.
E)No choices are correct.
Why are coral reef ecosystems unique?
A)highest number of species of any ecosystem
B)unique three-dimensional habitat created by stony corals
C)singularly diverse ecosystem
D)uniquely located in the tropics and subtropics
E)All choices are correct.
Select the attribute that does NOT belong to hydrothermal vent communities.
A)bat-sized worms
B)occur where tectonic plates are moving apart
C)depend on photic zone
D)symbiotic bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide
E)All choices are correct attributes.
Select the correct statement concerning the deep sea.
A)It's the single largest habitat on Earth.
B)Its average temperature is between 2 - 5 degrees centigrade.
C)The deep sea is totally dark.
D)The bottom is 4000- 5000 feet deep.
E)It's under high pressure of 400 - 500 atmospheres.
True or false: Worldwide, many crises in the supply of fresh water will likely surface in the future.
What was the chief consequence to birds of DDT use as an insecticide?
A)Nothing. The concentration of DDT in water was .000003 ppm.
B)Eggshells became too thin to endure incubation; this caused a drastic population decline.
C)Low concentrations accumulated in fatty tissues in those animals affected by DDT.
D)Some carnivores experienced a dramatic increase in a particular array of cancers.
E)No choice is correct.
How are marine habitats being depleted of fish and other species?
B)use of wild-caught fish for aquaculture
C)destruction of coastal ecosystems
D)destruction of salt marshes
E)All choices are correct.
During what part of the year are there ozone holes over Antarctica?
A)all year
B)April to October
C)August to December
D)randomly for periods of several months
E)No choice is correct.
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